Tuesday, March 31, 2015

You wanted more time! You got it!

Entry deadline for 2015 competition is extended until April 15. Hurry; get those entries ready. This is no April Fool's joke.

Monday, March 23, 2015

New Judge Works in Caribbean

Ellen Hoch-Kramer

Ellen Hoch-Kramer, owner of Caribbean Int'l Photo & Film Production Service Corp., has joined the judging panel as the FilmFest competition nears its final deadline of March 31. 
Producer Hoch-Kramer holds a degree from University of Arts in Berlin. Her website: www.thecaribbeanproduction.com  


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Michaud Joins Judges Panel

Justin Michaud

We welcome Justin Michaud of  Telecine Multimedia, Montreal, Canada, to USInternational Film & Video Festival’s 2015 Judging Panel. 

Michaud writes that his interest in film and TV production dates to Saturday morning cartoon and that growing up in an Asian country he was introduced to different styles of animation. He especially liked the anime series, Gundam. 

The early experiences “influenced the types of content that I enjoy visually and has allowed me to be open to other style also,” he says.