Monday, September 17, 2012

Mobius Awards expands Photography categories

Mobius Awards, a sister company to US International Film & Video Festival, is in the midst of its 2012 competition. This year, opportunities for Commercial Photographers have been expanded. Entries in advertising photography are invited from Commercial Photographers and/or their agents and from Student Photographers.
For more information, visit

Off to Japan for 2 presentations

Scene from "Lessons"

Lee Gluckman has hit the road again; he will present an award in Osaka Tuesday to
Kansai Telecasting Corporation for its film, "Lessons," which won Best of Festival in Entertainment in the 2012 competition.

He's staying at the Nikko Hotel close to Fuji TV where he will present an award on Wednesday. Fuji won Best of Festival in Documentary for “Pioneers in the Land of Rubble-Recovering from the 3/11 Disaster.”    

Deventer film gets award

Gluckman (right) presents Certificate for Creative Excellence
to Henk van Mierlo prior to presenting One World statuette

On Sept. 6, officials of Deventer, The Netherlands, joined the creator of a film on the city’s revitalization to receive the One World Award for documenting the spirit of the project. The award is sponsored by the International Quorum of Motion Picture Producers (IQ).
Henk van Mierlo of Henk van Mierlo VOF Advertising Agency and Photo-Film Studios, Deventer, accepted the award from Lee Gluckman, chairman of the US International Film & Video Festival and a member of IQ.
                The film, “Heritage Saved Is History Preserved,”  won Certificates for Creative Excellence in the Documentary and the Directing categories in the general competition of the 2012 Festival.  The One World Award recognizes the film that best uses the power of the medium to promote goodwill and cooperation. The award recognizes that a story well told can inspire mankind to its noblest purpose.