Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Saluting Russian Companies' Videos

Lee Gluckman, chairman of FilmFest, joined members of award-winning FreeMotion Group at a TASS news agency conference recently in Moscow. The conference topic was about the success of Russian companies in international video competitions. LBL Production (FreeMotion Group), Novosibirsk, won Best of Festival in Corporate in the 2017 FilmFest competition. The winning work was for Minsk Traktor Works, Minsk, Belarus. Here, Lee (center) presents a plaque to Ekaterina Kolyada, member of the Board of the Association of Communication Directors and Corporate Media of Russia. Vyacheslav Goldfeld (left) is FreeMotion CEO, co-founder and managing partner, and Alina Kotova (right) is FreeMotion co-founder and managing partner.